We know airport travel and parking can sometimes cause a little unease, but your friends here at SmartPark JFK and LaGuardia are here to make your parking experience as easy and pleasurable as possible. With the best prices and most benefits when booking direct with SmartParkParking.com, we do all we can for you on our end.
With that said, we want to share with you some fun facts about parking around the world that are quite fascinating. Ok, we admit we are parking geeks, so you may not get as excited as us, but check these out.
- The estimated total number of parking spots in the United States is 2 billion with a third of them comprised of spots in parking lots.
- The first parking meter in the world was installed in Oklahoma on July 16, 1935 at a rate of five cents per hour. That’s just a tad lower than you’d find today, right?
- The most expensive car ever to be issued a parking ticket was a $15 million vintage Ferrari in London in April 2016. Boy, we’d sure like to be fortunate enough to pay that ticket.
- The most expensive permanent parking spots in the world are in New York City where a parking unit can cost up to $1 million. Don’t worry – our daily rates are much, much cheaper!
- The world’s largest parking lot is located in Edmonton, Canada at the West Edmonton Mall and boasts over 30,000 parking spots.
- The 4th-6th largest parking lots in the United States belong to theme parks – Disney World’s Magic Kingdom (11,000), Universal Studios Florida (10.200) and Disney Land (10,000). At least those have some cool trams to get you around.
- Most of the other biggest lots belong to airports as Seattle’s Tacoma Airport takes the number two spot in North America with a 13,000 space parking garage. Detroit, Chicago and Dallas also make the top ten.